2 thoughts on “IMG_20190322_122437

  1. Pedro Fernando Post author

    My name is Pedro
    Ive just came across your blog

    I am currently rebuilding a 1962 Van de stadt Pioneer 9 as a go anywhere boat.
    i got interested in your tiller arm as i also need to pay for someone to fabricate one for me.
    Have the design, and more importantly, the scantlings of it, been up to the challenges of sailing?
    It would be great if you could share the dimensions, thicknesses , etc. that would give me a better overall view of the piece. at 29 feet my boat is coniderably smaller than a 38 footer, so i guess that, in itself, inputs a quite generous safety factor.

    Looking forward to hear from you

  2. Pedro Fernando Post author

    Hi again,

    ive just discovered your post with all the dimensions, so ignore my previous request!
    Kind regards


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